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Writer's pictureTanya Rogers

My Top 5 Songs on Reputation by Taylor Swift

Taylor Swift’s Reputation comeback was iconic and I’ll never forget it. While I wasn’t a hardcore fan at that time, I respected her so much as a woman who took back her life and shut down all those rumors and haters that were fucking with her life. I think this album represents the anger and the happiness that this dilemma brought. She was angry about how these men think they own her and they manipulate her into thinking they actually care about her. But on the other hand, she was happy because she found what meant most to her. Love. Love for a partner, love for a friend, love for family, because that's what matters. Love and all the encouragement they bring to someone. She found her close group of family that loves her for who she is, not to have some sort of status. Today, I’ll be putting my 5 favorite songs on the album, lyrically and sonically. Taylor is an amazing songwriter and these songs I think are the strongest ones on the project.

Song 1: Getaway Car

This song from the moment I heard the vocoder on her voice I knew it was a good song. Then she started using metaphors and symbolism to represent real-life situations that had happened to her and she does it in an oh-so clever way. Using a sort of heist story. My favorite lyric of the song is probably "We were jet set, Bonnie and Clyde, until I switched to the other side, to the other side, It's not surprise I turned you in, cause us traitors never win." It's crazy how can this one line represent the getting together and falling apart story of the relationship and flawlessly? Honestly, I just petition for Taylor to become an English teacher, because after Folklore and Evermore, I'm too stunned to speak.

Song 2: Call It What You Want

"All the liars are calling me one, nobody's heard from me for months, I'm doing better than I ever was." This is my favorite lyric on this song. Call it what you want to, but Reputation wasn't just an album Taylor wrote as a comeback, but it was also a definitive turning point in her life as a person and a songwriter. In Miss Americana, she states, " I figured, I had to reset everything. I had to deconstruct an entire belief system for my own personal sanity. I also was falling in love with somebody who had a wonderfully balanced, grounded life, and we decided to together that we wanted our relationship to be private.Even though it was horrible, I was really happy. But I wasn't happy in the way I'd been trained to be happy. It was happiness without anyone else's input." The thing I love about this song is that you can tell she's happy and she shows it with the lyrics.

Song 3: Dancing With Our Hands Tied

My love had been frozen, deep blue but you painted me golden.” I aspire to have those feelings about love with someone. As we know, Taylor has this thing where she can describe love based on color. It’s really great. This song is the way of telling someone that they’ve changed your life in the best way possible and that’s one of the best feelings to have. With Valentines Day coming up, I recommend you highly listen to this song. Even if you’re not in a relationshi, sing it with yourself because to be honest, you’re always there for you with that inner monologue. Channel it.

Song 4: I Did Something Bad

Im gonna say first of all, this song should’ve been a single with the other ones. It’s so good, the story and references to certain people. It’s the perfect revenge song, in my opinion. My favorite lyric: ”I can feel the flames on my skin, crimson red paint on my lips, If a man talks shit then I owe him nothing, I don’t regret it one bit cause he had it coming.” Just iconic. The crimson red paint, that reference to her iconic red lips. If a man talks shit, the reference to the man I wish to not name, but he’s done this type of shit twice and twice Taylor’s been kind and forgiving and this line represents that growth, the growth to cut toxic people out of your life.This applies to everyone, if someone hurts you even if you think they’re your friend, more than once, get rid of them. Bad energy and bad people don’t belong in your life.

Song 5: Dress

If you were going to have a romantic date with your partner on Valentines, this song should be on the playlist. I urge you, put it there. “I don’t want you like a best friend, I only bought this dress so you could take it off.“ How sexy is that?!? I just, I literally can’t. Dress is a fun song Im not going to deny that, but the lyrics are just unmatched. So good. She even makes a reference to when she met her partner: “Flashback when you met me, your buzz cut my hair bleache, Even in my worst times, you could see the best of me.” Imagine finding someone who knows you really knows you and sees the best in you when others are trying to bring you down.

If you liked this post, tell me in the comments if I should do this with other albums!

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